Thursday, 23 December 2010

Walls and Gates Prophecy

"Gates have been thrown open so wide that they cease to be gates; doorways widened that the very pillars of the building are removed without thought to the integrity of the structure.
A church without walls is a church that will fall down, a church that will implode on itself and many destroyed in its collapse.
The narrow way has been exchanged for the broad way in the name of ‘love and acceptance and grace’. Many will come in and will not be wearing wedding clothes. Many will be surprised to find themselves there, for they will blunder their way in without realising, for there is nothing to mark their way, nothing that announces their entrance into God’s Ark.
The hedge around My Church that separated Her from the world has been torn down and neither can one tell the difference between her and the world - they have been so fused with one another. Their words are Her words and She touts Her wares in the streets like a trader, like a huckster selling something fake. She attempts to allure, She tries to beckon but She will be trampled by the heathen and the pagan in her midst that She once called ‘saved’, for She has treated as saved those who are not; She has exchanged, She has trafficked, she has swapped her glory for something commonplace and profane. She has left her position of grace, She has abdicated her throne and gone down into the valleys to make herself more accessible, more ‘real’, more ‘relevant’.
My loved one has become a whore and I find prostitution where I should find prayer, worldliness where I should find holiness, noise where I should find quiet, work where I should find rest, lip service where I should find repentance, faith in man’s strength where I should find the faith of Abraham.
Is not My Ark a holy vessel to save utterly through? What would it be if She were holed? How would She float if She leaked? How could She possibly survive any storm that was sent against Her. That sacred boat needs to be sealed by Her Lord and covered in pitch; She must be watertight against the ingress of the world. My unction and My oil does not mix with the world, it sets apart. My Spirit seals those I know and they shall be delivered through the storms. You have called ‘saved’ that which is not; you have called holy that which is profane; you have committed a fatal reversal.
The true vine has withered and in its place is an imported vine, one that I did not plant and that will not produce any fruit – just itself, there will be no bud, no flourish. It will creep and crawl and bind up everything in its midst, it will demand ad demand like a baby that will not wean, like a child that will not learn and all the while it grins and demands more proof of love, “if . . . if . . . if . . .”
Your sin started at the gates and how you think people enter the courts of the Lord. You thought it wrong to judge but does not the man of God judge all things? You thought it wrong to divide but doesn’t the man of God rightly divide the word of truth? Doesn’t the Son of God separate the goats from the lambs?
Isn’t a wall in place to show that which is and that which is not?
Remove that and you remove the courts of the Lord and it merges with the space around it to mean just what the space around it means – nothing! If there is no wall or no hedge then there are no courts of the Lord, no entrance through which to enter. Did I not tear down the only wall that mattered in my own flesh? Did I not rent the veil in two as my body was torn? This was the only rending required.
You have torn away the steps for a man to know me. How is he to find Me if he is treated as one who already knows Me? The hand of the wicked is strengthened and he feels he is justified before God, when he is not.
You have entertained when you should have praised and prayed. You have put on a show when you should have grieved and mourned. You have advertised when you should have kept you mouth shut, but you boasted proudly of your inheritance without living in it or giving thought to how it was obtained.
My baptisms are mere rituals to qualify for church membership. My baptisms are for wholeness and for healing. They have been neglected in this age like no other and I find it an abomination. Where can a man go to dip himself in sorrow for offending me? Where can a man go to be united with me in depths of the waters of baptism? And where can a man go to be sealed with that unction that seals against the world and that jealously possesses a follower? You must go through the former to get to the latter, there is no short cut, no convenient or easy way. It must be whole-hearted, but you have made disciples for yourselves and of your selves to mirror what you are before me . . . tepid.
You speak and your prattle on and on, you discuss theology and doctrine in mere theory, you discard it for you do not see its value, therefore this holy doctrine and theology will not save you. You will go down into sheol and there you will remain like Pharoah’s chariots, rusting. You don’t cherish my word, though you have a doctrinal statement. This is a mere technicality.
It will not save you, none of this will save you, not one jot, for you have abandoned my plan of salvation, you have abandoned me and who is it that saves? Is it not I, the Saviour of Israel? I am the only one who saves. Man does not save though he portrays every day that he does; he speaks of salvation but he shall see none.
Let a man come to me, let him seek me, let him exercise his faith, let him approach the throne of grace in his hour and perhaps he will find me, if he seeks me with all his heart. I knock and I wait, but here is always a door, a wall to separate a place ‘that is’ from a place ‘that is not’.
Did I not divide the day from the night, but you have mixed it together; did I not divide work from rest, but you are in continual upheaval; did I not appoint the sun and the moon to govern day from night? Did I not separate man from the other creatures? How much more the my chosen vessel to reveal Me in the Last Days? How much more my chosen Bride but She has dissolved in anticipation of the end, She has backslidden and not trusted Her Saviour.
There are always walls and there are always gates.
Bring each one to Me; bring them all: they are mine - not yours! Make them disciples of me - not your church: they are mine, you are all mine. They are all mine, if they have the Spirit of Christ and if anyone doesn’t, he isn’t mine.
There is a way and it is narrow. There is a gate and it is narrow. There is a lock and Only One is worthy to open it – even myself. It is by constraint - not by throwing off restraint; it is by tightness and squeezing; it is by passing-by and passing-over that I save. If anyone does not come through Me, he is not mine and you are not to welcome him. Let them come and let them tremble at your holy assembly.
I am the Only Saviour."
Given 02/12/10

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