Sunday, 19 December 2010

Faith and Shaggy Dogs

Faith is simply the trust that someone will do something that you expect because of a simple, transparent request. The foundation of this is knowing that person and what that person is like; it rests upon relationship. The person of faith therefore rejects all manipulation, all coersion, all interfering in someone's life as a means to get them to do the 'right' thing. Their last resort is their first resort - prayer.

This afternoon my shaggy dog galavanted across a field of snow to play with a black lab. I let him go but kept walking. I called him a few times and just kept walking. He's only one years old but he came back willingly and joyfully. He made me smile. I didn't have to bellow or run after him because I didn't trust him, I just kept walking, trusting his need to be with me was greater than his need to play with a black lab - it was.

We must act as if it will happen, not out of a gamble but out of the certainty of knowing the Person of God. The more we know Him, the more we can be certain of Him. We do not need to cry or to plead to persuade God; He knows us already. I am not saying tears will not be present but they will not be used as a lever against God to force Him to act, we cannot cajole Him nor force Him to do something against His will, but we can pour out our hearts in honesty as Abraham did for Sodom and Gomorrah.

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Be honest, but be respectful. Blessings to you All.