Sunday, 9 July 2017

Coming Storm of Judgment

Beware! Beware of mixing and diluting! If you give but an inch the torrent will get under your feet and sweep you away with its own destruction - but build your house upon the rock; build it upon my unchanging and immutable Word.

My Word is like Me; it does not change or shift at the whim of culture or the market you are targeting, but it is formed upon my character. I do not change. I may do or speak different things, but my Word is a hammer that splits the rock; it is not the other way around. My purposes stand fast through all generations. Anyone who claims to know this must stand with me continuously and not be like a bent reed.

A tree planted by streams of water will yield its fruit at the appointed time. It will not be swept away, for I have established it. Anything that is not established by Me will be swept away in the torrent, the foundation upon which men have built will be exposed before the day of judgment. I will sort and sift and winnow; I will rightly divide and judge; I will alot and set apart for My Name's sake.

A storm is brewing, and for many it is beyond the horizon, but the light in the sky will change first. Look for this! Only when you scan the sky from east to west will you notice this. But it will be a storm without rain. Its dry winds will lick at the roots and foundations, making them crumble as it seeks the moisture and craves the lifeblood of people. This storm will not water, but it will search and seek and drain and collapse. Manmade foundations cannot survive this, only those laid down upon the rock which is My Word.

They will try to build bridges with you; they will try to reason with you; they will try to gain your acceptance. This will only open the door. The agreement, spoken or written is established on earth by men and is accepted in heaven. It will stand and give legal right to him who walks through the door.

Your house will slide into the river whole. As it slides off its foundations there is no love to bind you to your foundation; there is no love of truth. What binds you to the truth? It cannot be that it is correct; it cannot be that it is needful or useful - all these reasons pass and fade. For man will set up another truth or standard to govern by, as he falters from one regime to another to correct the external structures of his ailing heart in society. A love for the truth itself is the only anchor that will bind you to your saviour in the torrent.

A torrent is coming from afar. No rain will fall except beyond the horizon in a distant land of desert oaks. You may hear it rumble in the darkness, but only those founded upon My Word, those who hear and obey and do not argue with me, will stand firm. In this time, do not move, not an inch! Do not respond in kind to their 'reasonable' speech; they seduce you. But resist them and they will revile you. Do not negotiate with them. Do not agree with them. Do not make alliances with the structures of man's ailing heart. If you move out of sympathy or any motive of the heart other than obedience to Me you may be ensnared and the trorrent will get under you. You may not find your footing ever again.

There is a time coming when to question the lies of men will seem folly and madness. Many will desert and follow the way of Judas. There will be such pressure to conform to their 'rightness' - their 'orthodoxy' - that it will be overwhelming for many, but this is how I separate the goats from the sheep, from those who walk with Me from those who do not.

It all started with mixing and diluting; wave after wave of lies have poured from insitutions purporting to represent me and were indeeed founded by those who knew me. These lies have been mingled with My simple gospel to provide something sophisticated and knowing. They have compounded lie upon lie in their own compound. Through their own machinations, they deny that I save. They do not trust that My Son and My Sacrifice were enough They added and they took; they mixed a compound of their own making, and now I will make them drink it.

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