Saturday, 15 January 2011

The Hidden Question of my Heart - Part 4

There is one person I must mention. I see her ruddy face and round spectacles framed in a nun's habit so clearly, a ready smile, great warmth and a face like a cherub: Sister Paul Joseph.
If it hadn't been for her I am sure my whole life would have been different: I wouldn't have got into grammar school and I wouldn't have liked learning. The whole class loved working for her and I would have done anything for her.
I fainted one wednesday morning in mass when the church was really hot. I was in the front pew and must've collapsed across the wooden bench in front of me. The next thing I remember was my little 10 year old body being swept up into Sister Paul Joseph's arms as she rushed me outside into the cool air. There was some urgency in her stride and I felt cared for. It was a stark contrast to the general sternness I received at that Roman Catholic primary school where teachers could be tad harsh and firm without any gentleness. I revived almost immediately when she swept me up, but I just lay there in her arms. To this day no one has ever carried me like that - not that I would expect that thesedays at 13 stone! To be loved and cared for in the midst of an abrasive school was the difference I needed.
If there was a test for her compassion, this was it and she passed it with flying colours. By the grace of God Sister Paul Joseph rescued me from more than just banging my head on a pew; she rescued me from myself, from being lazy in school and behaving badly. She put the joy back into life and learning and I have much to thank her for . . . now that I'm a teacher myself.
I am sure if you look back at your own life people have been placed there at crucial times: from God and from the Devil. The war for your attention and your heart might still continue and you may still have many choices to make along the road. Before you make that choice consider this: wide is the road to destruction and many travel on it for it is easy - the path of least resistance. However, the way to life is narrow and at times treacherous for it often goes against the grain of the masses. Few travel on it for it is difficult to find its beginning. (Matt 7:13-14)
Who are you following? What crowd are you going along with? If life is easy, ask yourself: has God made it so or have I avoided all those difficult decisions to make life easy. Are you cocooned in your little world or would like to take the first steps on an epic journey? There is a narrow alley, a side street just for you to slip away with the Lord. Go and walk with Him; He will give you His lifetime to know Him. And if you faint be sure of this: there is always One who will scoop you up into His arms and let you rest until your are revived again.

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