The life of God is righteous. The life that lives in you is righteous -- in keeping with Him who placed it there. It is innately and intriniscally righteous; nothing need be added or thought-out or debated or is this the way or is that the way. We do not need to "crack our heads" over whether this is righteousness or not, or over whether this observance is technically correct or not. Should I do this? Should I do that? Should I go here? Should I go there?
As if the way of righteousness were separate from you!
If the life of God is within you and you live in accordance with that life then that life will be righteous. The life conforms to the nature of him who gave it birth in you. There is no effort to make it righteous for none is needed. The effort is simply the moment-to-moment choice to live in it. These are the thousands deaths we die every day. Our obedience to this life may be conscious and pained at first, but then, when the floodgates open, it gives way to a torrent of the life of God that God lives through you. It is intuitively unconscious; you are free from every religious consideration. You are above the Law for now the Law of the Spirit of Life is within you. Just give expression to that life for when you truly make God your life, and you have died to self, then the river of life will pour through you. Just as a river gives not one thought to containing water so the believer will simply rejoice in pouring out this life.
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