Monday, 3 October 2011

Of Dreams and Log Jams Part 2

When I cogitate these log jams appear as symbols and metaphors in dreams; stories to unlock that I will think on for days and weeks after. They, at times - much to my shame - have a way of prizing open my heart in a way that undiluted scripture doesn't, a bit like a parable. They are impenetrable; I come up against a wall I cannot scale. I meet the end of my own understanding. I flounder in my own weakness and can't fathom it because I am in the flesh or using the power of my soul. Spiritual signs are spiritually discerned by the Spirit of God.

When we hear scripture we are in danger of thinking we know what it means and maybe apt to dismiss it. Characters with actions and metaphors with meaning are there to be understood and unlocked. It is because we are weak. If God were to speak plainly our conscious mind might object to it and reject it. His command would give a chance for disobedience. Reason it away and we will be in peril. God persuades us in story and anrrative. Then I am led full circle back to the scripture in the first place to say, 'Ahhh, that's what it means!'

One thing we mustn't do in public is admit our weaknesses; the show of 'faith' must go on. We must look competent and in control. Our weakness and emptiness is the door for the grace of God to get to work to fill us up. Let us hold to no pretense.

Our weakness is the beginning of dependence on God.

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