A clock measures a man's time, tick-by-tick, but it is I who measure a man's life - every beat of his heart is mine and it is where I lay my plumb line in the inner most place. I look at the straightness of his ways.
You are the temple of God and what is it that your life's work builds if it is not the temple of God? Therefore be careful how you build; build not with temporal and flammable things. Rather, build with those things that are eternal, that which is hewn from my quarries and mined from the deeps of the earth. Once I have measured it, I will test it with fire. And what is left will be to the praise of God. That which is done through God will stand and be seen; that which is accomplished in the strength of the flesh and the power of the soul shall perish. Build carefully then - meticulously - not to gain time or honour with men. Do not despise doing the small thing well, for in that day all things shall be built upon this foundation - the foundation of Christ.
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